Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

This past weekend we went to Breakfast with Santa. The kids had fun. I have been talking alot about Santa Claus since Bryson said he was scared and it paid off. He sat on Santa's lap. Santa asked him what he wanted and he said "spiderman." Caleb on the other hand did NOT like him (as you will see in the picture). Then Mrs. Claus read a story to the kids and Mr. Center of Attention Bryson had to make his way to the front and sit with her. Each kid got 2 tickets for a toy giveaway. They had several toys the kids could choose from to put their tickets in and wouldn't ya know that my kids did not win!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mckinney Christmas Parade

We decided at the spur of the moment to go to the McKinney Christmas Parade in downtown last night. It was fun!! Bryson sat there and watched while waving at the people in the parade. He really liked it. Caleb wanted nothing to do with the parade, instead he wanted to practice his new trick...walking!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We spent Thanksgiving in Lubbock. Bryson really has a great time with his cousins! Caleb started walking all over the place while there! It was a little bit of a different Thanksgiving as mom (mimi) was in the hospital due to an infection in her wound from surgery, so we did not have our traditional Thanksgiving dinner with her which was missed but we would rather her get well so she is home for Christmas. We did have our normal celebration with Victor's side of the family so that was nice. I did not get many pictures because I kept forgetting to take my camera with me when we went anywhere.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Villages of Allen Tree Lighting

We went to The Village of Allen this weekend for the tree lighting ceremony. Bryson really enjoyed himself. Caleb was asleep half of the time and then suddenly woke up and was unhappy. So we had to leave and did not get to watch the tree actually light up. Plus we *Had* to get home to watch the Red Raiders get beat by OU (that's a whole nother story for a different time). We had fun while we we there. Bryson did a few crafts. He made a necklace and a glitter picture. He even let us take his picture with Mrs. Claus. We were surprised because he is so scared of Santa. We were at the mall last weekend and Santa was already there so we walked over to him so Bryson could see. He said, "I scared" and ran away. It will be interesting trying to get pictures of the boys with Santa this year.

Daddy and Bryson in front of the "big" tree.

Bryson and the tree

This is what Caleb did most of the time.

Santa's reindeer. Bryson loved them.

Bryson and Mrs. Claus

Caleb after a HUGE crying fit Bryson making his necklace
Bryson with his finished crafts

Caleb with his balloon on the way home. Poor little guy is soo tired

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Caleb is 15 months today!

My baby is 15 months! Wow how time flies!

Nature Walk

Bryson, Caleb, and I went on a "nature" walk to collect fall things (leaves, acorns, sticks) to make a fall wreath. Bryson said he needed to make one for mimi and grandma, so we did!! Bryson had a great time collecting all the "stuff" for the wreath. He insisted on picking up the biggest leaves he could find. I tried to explain to him that we needed much smaller leaves for the wreath. He just looked at me crazy and went about his day picking up the biggest leaves he could find. He had alot of fun with this project!

Caleb is now taking more than 2 and 3 steps! It is so cute watching him. He has to prep himself before taking off and walking. He is so proud of himself! He still prefers to crawl as he can get around much faster that way right now. He also learned how to get up on the sofa by himself. He thinks that is great fun!

Caleb likes to hide out underneath this sofa table with the remote, of course.

Tonight the Red Raiders play OU (BOOOO)!! Go Red Raiders beat the Boomer Sooners!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Wow! How neat it is to see my boys interact with one another. Caleb is getting old enough now that he just loves his brother and wants to be doing what he is doing. Bryson is always telling me, "Caleb wants to play, momma." They also like to get in trouble together, lol! For instance, Bryson thinks it is fun to move the gate that we have at the bottom of the stairs so that Caleb can crawl up the stairs, in which I have caught him and Bryson at the top on a couple of occasions. But nonetheless it is so heartening to see the brotherly love they possess.
Bryson is doing this new thing called pretend play. I love it!! I remember when Lindsey and I used to do that. Bryson will ask me, "Momma you want ice cream?" I say yes and he says, "ok...hold on be right back!" He runs off to the other room and pretends to make it and then brings it back and says "here ya go, momma!" We do this over and over again.
Also I have to say that Bryson is POTTY TRAINED!! He has been for a little over a month now! I had been trying for some time but he was still having accidents and just wasn't ready! It finally clicked that oh ya I am suppose to tell you when I need to go pee or poop! He is so good about telling us when he needs to go. Now if I could get Caleb potty trained...wishful thinking , huh! I have tried a couple of times to sit Caleb on the potty and he does N-O-T like it!
Caleb is on the verge of walking. He has been taking a few steps and standing alone. He just gets so excited that he loses concentration and falls down. So instead he pushes his "push toy" all over the house and outside.

At the park

Bryson showing off his "My vote counted sticker."

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Game Time!!

GUNS UP!!! Go red raiders! Wooo-hooo!

Bryson is so cute when Tech plays. He puts his guns up and says "Go Texas Tech...touchdown!"

Monday, November 3, 2008


We had a fun Halloween day! Bryson dressed up as Thomas the Train and Caleb was Donald Duck. We went to a nursing home with our playgroup for the nursing homes Halloween party. The old folks really enjoyed seeing the kids dressed up. The kids scored too because they left with a treat bag! Later that evening Victor and I took the boys trick-or-treating with my neighbor and her little boy (Bryson's best bud). Bryson was soooo scared. He would not even go up to some of the houses because they had scary decorations or scary music playing. He would say. "I scared, momma...I scared!" It was quite comical! It was really cute to hear him say trick or treat at each door. I can't wait until next year as Caleb will be walking and joining in on the fun. Caleb only lasted about 30 minutes before he passed out. To much excitement for him!! When we got home Bryson and I sat on the porch and handed out our candy. It was a fun night!

Thomas the Train and Donald DuckCaleb as Donald Duck
Bryson excited to be Thomas the Train
Bryson and best bud, Corbin

The party's over

And just because they are so cute! Sunday before church.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

We carved a pumpkin yesterday (Sunday)...well actually Victor carved and we watched, lol. We went ahead and carved it outside since the weather was so nice! Bryson was really into it until his best bud, Corban came outside then it was all over...he was running around playing with his buddy. Caleb, on the other hand, just sat in his chair and watched. I got the fun job of helping get all the yuckiness out of the pumpkin. We saved the seeds to roast later, which were quite yummy I might add! The final product turned out nice! Victor has the brilliant idea of carving 4 pumpkins next year. He must have really enjoyed that pumpkin carving, huh!? Anyways we had a fun time. Now on to the pictures

B and C with the uncarved pumpkin.

Carving the top off.

B being silly!

Caleb watching Daddy carve the face of the pumpkin.More carving
The C-ManThe finished product.Glowing!

B stirring the sauce for the pumpkin seeds. The sauce consisted of melted butter, garlic salt, worchester sauce. B stirring the seeds in the sauce and putting them on the pan.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well this week was pretty uneventful since Caleb was sick. He was not a happy camper most of the week. He started acting more like himself yesterday so we went to the library. They were more interested in a giant bead maze toy than actually looking at the books. Why oh why do libraries put toys in the children's section!? I thought the library was to read!! Anyways I got them to look at a few books before heading out. The boys LOOOVVVE the outdoors so we spend alot of time playing outside and going to parks. So glad that it is finally cooling off!! The Texas heat here in the Dallas area is a killer! We went on a walk yesterday to hunt for acorns. Bryson likes to look for them and put them in the back of his tricycle.

Bryson thinks playdoh is the best thing!! I like it too because it keeps him occupied for longer than 3 minutes, haha.

Caleb with a cookie this week being oh so cute!

The boys at the library.

Bryson posing for me in front of some jack-o-lanterns we have in front of the house.

The boys playing. Caleb loves that little car. It has a button on the steering wheel you press to make it go and he just thinks it is so much fun to press and release, press and release. This was Bryson's old car but Caleb is really enjoying it. Bryson is so funny on his tricycle because he WILL NOT peddle. He just pushes himself with his feet. We keep trying to get him to peddle but he says, "I can't, I can't." He just really isn't trying...silly boy!