Monday, November 24, 2008

Villages of Allen Tree Lighting

We went to The Village of Allen this weekend for the tree lighting ceremony. Bryson really enjoyed himself. Caleb was asleep half of the time and then suddenly woke up and was unhappy. So we had to leave and did not get to watch the tree actually light up. Plus we *Had* to get home to watch the Red Raiders get beat by OU (that's a whole nother story for a different time). We had fun while we we there. Bryson did a few crafts. He made a necklace and a glitter picture. He even let us take his picture with Mrs. Claus. We were surprised because he is so scared of Santa. We were at the mall last weekend and Santa was already there so we walked over to him so Bryson could see. He said, "I scared" and ran away. It will be interesting trying to get pictures of the boys with Santa this year.

Daddy and Bryson in front of the "big" tree.

Bryson and the tree

This is what Caleb did most of the time.

Santa's reindeer. Bryson loved them.

Bryson and Mrs. Claus

Caleb after a HUGE crying fit Bryson making his necklace
Bryson with his finished crafts

Caleb with his balloon on the way home. Poor little guy is soo tired

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