Saturday, October 25, 2008


Well this week was pretty uneventful since Caleb was sick. He was not a happy camper most of the week. He started acting more like himself yesterday so we went to the library. They were more interested in a giant bead maze toy than actually looking at the books. Why oh why do libraries put toys in the children's section!? I thought the library was to read!! Anyways I got them to look at a few books before heading out. The boys LOOOVVVE the outdoors so we spend alot of time playing outside and going to parks. So glad that it is finally cooling off!! The Texas heat here in the Dallas area is a killer! We went on a walk yesterday to hunt for acorns. Bryson likes to look for them and put them in the back of his tricycle.

Bryson thinks playdoh is the best thing!! I like it too because it keeps him occupied for longer than 3 minutes, haha.

Caleb with a cookie this week being oh so cute!

The boys at the library.

Bryson posing for me in front of some jack-o-lanterns we have in front of the house.

The boys playing. Caleb loves that little car. It has a button on the steering wheel you press to make it go and he just thinks it is so much fun to press and release, press and release. This was Bryson's old car but Caleb is really enjoying it. Bryson is so funny on his tricycle because he WILL NOT peddle. He just pushes himself with his feet. We keep trying to get him to peddle but he says, "I can't, I can't." He just really isn't trying...silly boy!


Dianna said...

Oh my gosh Caleb looks like such a big boy sitting in his chair! What happen to our little babies? *sniff*

Wendy said...

Angie your kids are such cuties! Keep sending those pics. Love you guys.