Saturday, April 18, 2009


We were in Lubbock for Easter. It was an interesting trip. Victor was having some issues with his eye but by the time we left on Friday to head to Lubbock it was really irritating him. When he woke up Saturday he could hardly open his eye. It was swollen, red, sensitive to light, and blurry. So he heads to a doctor we used to see when we lived in Lubbock. He did some tests and sent him immediately to the ER where he said they would be waiting for him. I think the doc put some major fear in Victor because he was extremely upset as I would be too knowing that you may be losing your eyesight. So after seeing the opthamologist in the ER and running some tests they determined he had 2 ulcers and a staph infection in his left eye! Basically the contacts were not allowing enough oxygen to his eyes causing major irritation that lead to this. He was sent home with 4 medications to put in his eye and to return on Sunday to check the progress. Basically they said that if he would not have come in he would have lost his eyesight! Scary! Anyways on Sunday when he went in the doc said that the ulcers were already healing so he reduced his medications to 2. Once his eye heals he needs to see his eye doctor to see what kind of damage it did to his eyesight. No more contacts for Victor, he is going to have to get some new glasses. So since he hasn't been able to drive I have been his personal chaffeur! We are very thankful that his eye is healing though!

Besides all this excitement we did have a good visit! Both boys love Mimi's house because she has a swingset in her backyard. They spent a lot of time out there! The boys enjoyed the goodies left by the Easter Bunny and had fun with the egg hunt too! The older the boys get the more I want to be closer to family. Bryson just loves playing with his cousins and loves the attention. Caleb is so shy and such a momma's boy that it takes him awhile to warm up but he was even having fun!
Bryson and Mimi

Bryson coloring eggs! He had fun with this.

Caleb joining in on the fun!

Look what the Easter Bunny left! Bryson is a bit excited...can't ya tell!

Checking out all the goodies!

The boys wouldn't put their Capri Sun down for the picture! I still love it anyways! You wouldn't even notice that my mom had surgery a couple of weeks ago. She lives with MS, not walking, not able to do things for herself but she still has such a spunk to her! Always smiling!! What a strong, strong woman! She is such an inspiration! She makes me so happy!!!

We hunted for eggs indoors as it was too wet outside from the rain! The boys loved it!


Swinging on Mimi's swingset!


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